Ethers Club
Talking to interesting people doing extraordinary things. Business, technology, spirituality, leadership and life.
Ethers Club
#36 - James Kiernan: Octant, Public Goods Funding, and Golem Network
James is the head of community and partnerships at the Octant Foundation, a public goods funder in the Blockchain ecosystem.
Octant leverages Ethereum to provide sustainable funds to projects ranging from TOR Network, to Giveth. Join us in this conversation to learn about PBGF, web3, and the future of Octant.
To support this podcast check out the links below:
James' Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vpabundance/
Octant Foundation: https://octant.app/projects
Golem Network: https://www.golem.network/
Web3 Marketing: https://www.amazon.com/Web3-Marketing-Handbook-Internet-Revolution/dp/1394171951
Blog: https://blog.ethers.club/
Social: https://x.com/0x_Sero
Github: https://github.com/Seroxdesign