Ethers Club
Talking to interesting people doing extraordinary things. Business, technology, spirituality, leadership and life.
Ethers Club
#26 - Sunny Jaycer: Superfluid Finance, and Developer Relations
Sunny Jaycer is a Developer Relations manager at Superfluid Finance, a protocol that provides novel financial tooling to the Web-3 world.
This conversation goes over the importance of communication, developer relations, and positivity when managing a large-scale ecosystem.
Superfluid is well known for sponsoring hackathons, and providing tooling/support for developers in the Web-3 space.
Learn about DAO management, development in this space, and the challenges that come with communication.
To support our podcast:
1. Sunny's Twitter: Follow Sunny for inside view of how dev relations work.
2. Ricochet Exchange: The dollar cost averaging platform of DeFi and our Sponsor
3. Supefluid Finance: Money streaming as a standard for value transfers.
Blog: https://blog.ethers.club/
Social: https://x.com/0x_Sero
Github: https://github.com/Seroxdesign